Monday, October 21, 2019

Review: 7Artisans 28mm f1.4 (This Lens Belong on a Film Camera)

If you look around on Instagram and at reviews of the 7Artisans 28mm f1.4 on the web, I'm very positive that the reviewers got a free copy of the lens and hyped it up. I'm even convinced that they've done excess editing to the images. But I bought mine with my own money. This has to be one of the most disappointing lenses that I've bought from 7Artisans. I purchased the company's 50mm f1.1 and was given the 35mm f2 for free. Both of those lenses were pretty good. But the 7Artisans 28mm f1.4 is disappointing when shooting with it wide open and adapted to Sony. It only starts to become really worth anything when stopped down past f2.8. However, I'll state that it has a look--and that look is best achieved on a Leica. It's nothing compared to a proper Leica lens, and I doubt that the optics are even designed in the same way. But this purchase was a reminder to me that cheap lenses are often an impulse buy. Was I expecting Leica quality? Heck no. I wasn't even expecting Voigtlander quality. But I was expecting the lens to be better than others on the market when adapted to Sony. Yet somehow or another, this lens absolutely sung to the heavens on Leica bodies.
Review: 7Artisans 28mm f1.4 (This Lens Belong on a Film Camera) posted first on

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