Monday, April 13, 2020

How to Write the Resume for a Job in Fashion and Get a Job


The fashion industry is quite an interesting one, and that is why so many people are eager to enter it one way or another. However, just like anything in our modern world, this type of business is competitive in every manner, including labor. That’s why it is important to have a well-developed resume. You can use Craft Resumes service to get professional resume writing help and advice or try to make it on your own. If the latter option is the one you picked, I created a list of things that you need to consider to make a perfect resume and get a job in the fashion industry.

How to Write the Resume for a Job in Fashion and Get a Job

Basic tips

Try to keep it simple

When it comes to a resume, keep everything clean and simple, there’s no need to get too creative with things such as fonts and pictures. Recruiters don’t like it because it is distracting. Remember that they are people too, and I, knowing how much recruiters make to find a perfect candidate, advise you to avoid making their job harder than it is already. It is also very important to keep it brief, and one page is perfect. If you’re unable to keep it that way, recruiters might become suspicious or just ignore a resume because there are tons of other papers to deal with, and no one has spare time.

Customization is a key

Remember – if you’re going to make a resume to get into hospitality, you need to highlight your hospitality skills for resume. If you want to get into the fashion industry – use appropriate vocabulary and keywords to make your resume more recognizable. The thing is to always adjust your CV to the industry and even company that you are aiming at. This way you will show the recruiters that you are very interested in a particular job. I know that customizing a resume while keeping it simple may sound contradictory, but it is about presenting information rather than playing with fonts.

Always highlight your skills and proficiencies

Fashion industry values professionals and well-rounded individuals that have a broad spectrum of skills that can become handy. That is why it is so important to put them into a dedicated section. For example, if you’re proficient with some software or tools that are useful for the fashion and retail industry, list those entries. Your CV is very likely to stand out from the bunch if you do so, and this is what we are aiming for.

Hobbies – yes or no?

When it comes to different sections of a resume, some people might get confused and puzzled about what information should be included. For example, should you add a photo of yourself or the home address? Usually, you should, but not it is not obligatory. As for hobbies and interests, the answer is similar, but some, and properly presented, information may actually reinforce your resume. It usually comes down to the corporate culture of the company that you want to enter.

Avoid any sort of lies

This is a no-brainer. Lying on a resume is a bad thing, and recruiters can easily check all the information online. This is the world we live in – it is possible to finds a lot about a person through things such as social media platforms. If you land a successful interview, the employer may want you to utilize some skill or knowledge. If you lied, this would come out quickly; you’ll be embarrassed and very likely to lose a job, so don’t sugarcoat in a resume.

How to Write the Resume for a Job in Fashion and Get a Job

You nailed it! What about an interview?

If you follow all the tips above and apply common sense, you’re able to create a sweet, professional resume and get to the next step – interview! Now, this is a tricky part, especially in the fashion industry. You see, presenting yourself in person is very important, and this rule multiplies several times for fashion companies. That is why a choice of outfit is so important.

Remember that you should feel comfortable in your clothes. Being comfortable in what you’re wearing means that you will look comfortable and feel way more confident. If you’re uncomfortable, you get stressed and sweaty, and we want to avoid that at all costs if you’re really determined to land a job.

Still, research the company and make an appropriate choice of outfit and accessories in order to fit into the atmosphere. Is it a new company that allows casual clothes or a large one, with a dress code? Find those answers and prepare accordingly, you’ll get that job!


Getting a job requires everyone to go through several unavoidable steps – resume and interview. The list of tips presented in this piece will help you out during these stressful steps and increase your chances of getting a dream job in the fashion industry. It is all about being smart, confident, and stylish, so good luck!

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