Thursday, April 9, 2020

Creating a Tranquil Haven for a Better Night’s Sleep

We spend a third of our life in bed, so it’s amazing that most of us don’t put a lot of thought into our bedroom decor and style, with regards to ensuring a good night’s sleep.

Many of us struggle to sleep well, with a combination of the worries of the day keeping us awake, and our bedrooms simply not being conducive to sleep.

Creating a Tranquil Haven for a Better Night’s Sleep

A relaxed space

To sleep well, you need to be relaxed, and you need your bedroom to be a space where you instantly feel calm. If it’s at all possible, your bedroom should be used solely for sleeping, and not double up as an office or a hobby room. When you associate your bedroom with another activity, it can be harder to switch over to ‘sleep mode’.

A good mattress

A comfortable quality mattress is key to a good night’s sleep. If your mattress is old and lumpy, you’re going to find it harder to get to sleep, and you’re more likely to wake up in the night. It’s advisable to replace your mattress at least every six years, so if yours is older than that, it’s time for a change.

Choose your new mattress with care and buy the best mattress you can afford. A mattress is one of the most important purchases you make so choose a mattress that works well for the way you sleep, be that on your back, side or stomach.

Your mattress needs to perfectly support your spine to ensure you wake up refreshed without aches and pains.

Extra comfort with the right bedding

The bedding you choose will have a lot to do with your own personal preferences. While some of us like to feel cozy and cocooned in an ultra-thick duvet, others prefer lighter loose bedding. You may also want to switch over your bedding with the seasons to ensure you’re always at a comfortable temperature.

Experimenting with different types of pillows can help you to discover what’s most comfortable for you, and a cushion or soft toy to hug as you sleep can bring comfort and ease anxieties.

Calming décor

You should also give thought to the décor of the room itself. Studies show that blues and pale greens are the shades that are the most calming for the mind. So forget that red feature wall, it’s only going to hinder your sleep, and opt for a relaxing pale blue instead.

Plain walls will be more soothing than busy patterned wallpapers. A minimalist approach works well in a bedroom.

Setting the scene

We sleep best in a dark and quiet room, so do all you can to ensure your environment fits the bill. If you have a lot of light coming in through your window, fitting a blackout blind can solve this issue.

It’s also the perfect solution if you’re a shift worker and need to sleep during daylight hours. If noise is a problem, perhaps you live near a busy road or need to sleep while other members of your household are still awake, earplugs can help.

Clear the clutter

Your bedroom should certainly be free from mess and clutter. A cluttered room gives you a cluttered mind and that certainly won’t help you sleep.

A crate of ironing waiting to be done, a pile of clothes left on the floor, or a mess of kids’ toys around the bed are all a reminder of daytime activities and shouldn’t be in the bedroom when it’s time to sleep.

A little time spent tidying up before bed will really help you to feel more comfortable and relaxed when you get into bed.

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