Sunday, September 29, 2019

Stories From Set: The Sexist Double Standard on a Photo Set

The photo assistant life is pretty iconic, right? You get to have all the fun of the shoot without the pressure of being the photographer, dealing with the client, managing post-production, etc. Essentially, all the pros without the cons. Sure, it also means being the go-for and putting your own ego/feelings aside. That comes with the territory and something I usually don’t mind. That said, when awful, sexist treatment comes into the equation, maintaining the balancing act of being a team player while also taking care of yourself becomes much more difficult. As discussed in previous articles from this series, frequently, the source of the problem is client-oriented. It’s a rock and a hard place situation when trying to figure out how to mitigate it. What’s even worse is when it’s a case of friendly fire - a most unexpected betrayal within the ranks in the pursuit of making powerful pictures.
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