Monday, May 20, 2019

Architecture Assignments: How to Prepare a Stellar Homework

When a student receives an assignment, he/she faces two major problems. These are the academic discipline and type of assignment. Research papers on architecture are quite interesting because this discipline is attractive. Nonetheless, this discipline may be complicated for most students. There are many things to consider and memorize. Thus, every architectural style has its features and peculiarities. They may change through the centuries and you have to know them all.

Architecture Assignments: How to Prepare a Stellar Homework

Academic experts from professional assignment writing service have written this article to provide you with the main guidelines on how to compose papers on architecture. Though the types of assignments have different purposes, they have the same structure and order of accomplishment. Make allowances for the next points:

  1. Make a plan.
  2. Select a topic.
  3. Analyze the question.
  4. Find data.
  5. Create an outline.
  6. Draft.
  7. Edit and proofread.

We will shed more light on every stage.

Stage #1

Every task requires a good plan. Mind that we don’t mean an outline of the paper. We mean the full organization of all stages, which are not only writing but preliminary and post-writing. Such a plan is important because it organizes the whole process of writing. You won’t be confused because you forget something. You can always look into your plan and continue to work.

Firstly, check all the demands. Make sure you have received and understood all the instructions of your supervisor. If something is unclear, ask your supervisor for clarifications. Secondly, decide how you will complete every stage of your assignment. Thirdly, schedule your work. Try to predict how much time every requirement will take time. Make a strict schedule and never violate it.

Your plan should include the following phases:

  • Selection of a topic;
  • Researching the topic;
  • Gathering data;
  • Crafting an outline;
  • Writing drafts;
  • Revising;

Stage #2

The preliminary research starts with a selection of a topic. It’s supposed to be relevant and interesting. It should bring some importance. Thus, if you write a compare and contrast essay you can compare two great styles Baroque and Rococo. There will surely be plenty of materials. Your main purpose is to show the most important differences and similarities of both styles. Teach your readers how to analyze them and underline their importance.

Gather possible ideas, create a list of keywords, narrow the direction, find data, and so on. Thus, your topic may sound like this “The Main Features of Baroque and Rococo and How to Identify Them”.

Stage #3

To answer the main question effectively, analyze it. Study it from different angles and put logical questions. Brainstorm your question and write down all the associations that occur to your mind.


  • What is your project about?
  • What is to be done?
  • Why do you make this research?
  • What significance does it bring?
  • How to compare and contrast Baroque and Rococo?
  • What are their main similarities and differences?
  • How to illustrate them?

Answer these and similar questions to receive a clear view of your work.

Stage #4

The next stage of writing is to collect data. Use printed and electronic sources. Make sure they are trustworthy and really fit the main purpose of your study. Think which examples to implement into your project, how, and when.

Stage #5

Now, the time has come to compose an outline. It is based on the topic, the information you’ve found, and the type of your assignment. It should include the main writing parts of your assignment:

  • Introduction;
  • Thesis statement;
  • Main plot;
  • Conclusion;

Stage #6

The next stage is to begin writing. Of course, you shouldn’t hope to complete a perfect piece from the first copy. You should write at least two drafts to be sure that you have managed to fully answer the main question and haven’t made mistakes.

Begin with the introduction. Acknowledge your readers about the purpose of your research. In the end, introduce a good thesis statement. “Baroque and Rococo are two amazing styles and we should know their main features to be able to distinguish them cleanly”.

The main plot develops the thesis statement. As you are to compare and show the contrast of two styles, give heed to their main features. For example, you should write “In France, the Baroque style was rather provocative and gave the main focus on heavy-handed buildings. In the meanwhile, Rococo underlined lightness and some sort of east playfulness.” These sentences plainly illustrate the main differences between both styles and tell about their purposes.

Always support your concepts with proper examples. Implement the quotations of famous architects to make the story livelier. Make sure you know how to cite correctly.

The conclusion gives a brief summary of the whole project. Interpret its results and give an objective evaluation.

Stage #7

After you compose the final version, edit and proofread it. Never skip these important stages. Thus, you’ll avoid a lot of awful mistakes that will cost you many grades. You should obligatorily check:

  • The flow of the language;
  • Transitions;
  • Grammar;
  • Spelling;
  • Punctuation, etc.

Don’t forget to make correct citations and list of references. Study the assigned writing format and fulfill its demands. Use several plagiarism checkers to be sure that your paper is authentic. You’re welcome to use other applications to check grammar, stylistic and other important points. Try different revising methods.

You’re welcome to read other guides or even samples of different papers on architecture. Learn helpful tips and use them to reach success.

The post Architecture Assignments: How to Prepare a Stellar Homework appeared first on Style Motivation.

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