Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dominique Seefeldt Seeks Raw Styles and Emotions in Portraiture (NSFW)

My name is Dominique Seefeldt, and I'm a 28-year-old photographer from Duesseldorf, Germany and I almost exclusively do people-photography. I've been shooting for almost ten years now and long time only lived it as a hobby going through various stages and genres, from still-life over automotive until I found my passion in people-photography. I switched from Canon to Fuji a while ago and now exclusively shoot with my Fujifilm X-Pro 2. I use 23/35/56mm lenses, with my current favorite being the Mitakon 35mm 0.95 II. For outdoor shots I almost always use available light only. Just indoor some flashes may make an appearance!
Dominique Seefeldt Seeks Raw Styles and Emotions in Portraiture (NSFW) posted first on

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