On any given day writing an essay is not a simple task for most students. They are usually time-consuming, and often, forces students to do something that they are not at all that comfortable with; defend a thought or an idea clearly and concisely using arguments supported with citations. It is a different act to most students many of which may very be writing an essay for the very first time. Now to this add the stress of writing about something as ubiquitous as architecture and things get that much harder.
Architecture is part science.
There is a significant amount of engineering and math behind this particular field of study, and the writer may have to deal with this during their research. On top of this, architecture is also a unique form of art.
As such, a student will also be required to interpret, analyze and convey to the readers the aesthetics of various structures. The writer must simultaneously take these seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum and deliver it seamlessly to the user. It almost seems impossible, but it can be done by taking a systematic approach and breaking down the essay writing process.
Like most academic essays, a substantial amount of work occurs before a letter is linked or typed. Indeed, work happens even before research begins. A topic must choose before any work can begin. Architecture is a vast subject that spans every corner of the globe and whose history goes back to time immemorial. The field is also evolving and developing every single day from new design innovations to the application of new technologies. The pool from which topics can choose from is vast, so it is best to focus on what is being required by the instructor.
Brainstorming topics is a good place to start, but don’t just focus on brand new, never before thought of issues. There are also new angles or perspectives to explore on commonly used topics.
Once an issue has finalized, the research can begin. Don’t rush to book stacks or the internet just yet. Sometimes the best place to start is with actual human beings. The instructor, course advisor or senior peer should be your first stop. From them, you can discuss your topic as well as pick their brain about possible angles, sources, references, and tips. Then head off to the various sources of information. Collect as much data as possible from published articles to interviews and figures. Also, broaden your research parameters to include any references that may contrast your topic or idea.
With research material on hand, it is time to start writing the essay. But, before you put pen to paper, decide on what kind of article you would like to present. Architecture is part science, and as many scientific articles, you can surely give an analytical essay, examining the various features, pros, cons, and contradictions to a style, structure, building or approach. However, architecture is also an art, and like many art academic essays, you can write a persuasive essay style. In this style, you will task with trying to persuade the reader on seeing the topic from your particular viewpoint, which supports by the references from the research.
Writing can now commence, but first creating an outline would go long ways towards helping the writer complete a satisfactory and convincing essay. Outlines serve as guides not only to make sure that all the arguments and supporting items are lined up to create a coherent piece but also to keep the writer focused. It decreases the chances of the author running loose on a tangent, and losing the attention of the reader.
The Introduction is usually penned first as it sets the stage for the rest of the essay. It is where the writer can broach the subject, topic, and thesis with the reader. The Intro is also where the writer can begin to deepen the reader’s relationship with their topic by providing background and context. This portion of the essay should also give the reader a brief insight on what to expect throughout the essay. As such, the writer should quickly jot down the thesis and main arguments to prove its validity.
Each paragraph will house an argument on why the author’s thesis is correct. These cases support by the published material, facts and figures that the author has harvested from their research. The author should be sure to properly cite each piece reference point as stated by the guidelines set out by their instructor, department or school. Failure to do this can have dire consequences, anything from point deductions, to disqualification of the essay, and all the way to legal actions against the student. Avoid headaches, cite appropriately.
The Conclusion is last, but it is not the least. Far from it. Usually, a place to restate the thesis, arguments and the outcome, the Conclusion can be used to give the reader a parting thought. It will be the last part of the essay the audience views so it would be happy to leave them a lasting impression, something to remember it by and make them want to talk about it again to someone else.
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