Monday, April 1, 2019

Virginia Hanusik’s ‘A Receding Coast’ Tackles the Tough Topic of Climate Change

Let's talk about climate change. A polarizing topic for society, but one that continues to come up. Whilst some brush it off as no concern, there are others who are unprepared to allow the conversation to go away - including photographers. Humanitarian photography is no easy task.  Especially when you're documenting the negative contribution society is having on the environment. Taking nothing away from the portrait, event or editorial, for example, it requires a certain strength to be able to plunge yourself into the sometimes depressing narratives society is faced with. Virginia Hanusik, a photographer whose work concentrates on the relationship between culture and the built environment, has given herself the task of tackling climate change. In her series A Receding Coast, she closely looks at how our architectural practices have led to coastal erosion in South Louisiana.
Virginia Hanusik’s ‘A Receding Coast’ Tackles the Tough Topic of Climate Change posted first on

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