Thursday, December 22, 2016

Review: Mint Camera SLR670-S with Time Machine (Impossible Project Film)

Review: Mint Camera SLR670-S with Time Machine (Impossible Project Film)
If you were ever in search of a camera with manual controls and that shot the larger Impossible Project film, then you most likely know that your best option was the Impossible Project's I-1. All the weird caveats aside, it will do the job. But if wanted to use the popular SX-70 style of cameras, there weren't a lot. However, Mint camera manufactures the SLR670 camera and makes a little device for it called the Time Machine. What this does is gives you control over the shutter speeds while the aperture stays at f8.
Review: Mint Camera SLR670-S with Time Machine (Impossible Project Film) posted first on

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