Thursday, July 28, 2016

Commuters: The Anonymous People of London’s Daily Commute

Commuters: The Anonymous People of London’s Daily Commute
"What struck me about working on the street was how the mundane day to day can be made fantastic by freezing a moment in time. As I learned more, the concept of not being noticed fascinated me..." says photographer Mark Heathcote of his fascination with street photography, and the inspiration behind his running project Commuters, with which he documents his daily commutes to and from London. "[I] spend my journey observing the comedy and sadness of commuting; the arguments about seats, seeing one commuter punch another, the tactics to obtain a seat, and the tiredness of everyone..." For Mr. Heathcote, this was combined with a realization that although there were large numbers of people, they were all isolated individually, no-one speaking or making eye contact with each other.
Commuters: The Anonymous People of London’s Daily Commute posted first on

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